Craig Lottner is a New York City based comedian. His comedy draws on personal experiences and observations as a middle-aged dad, husband, professional and bathroom philosopher. Originally from Colorado, with stints in St. Louis, Hong Kong and San Fran, he has lived in New York since 2001. He performs regularly at NYC clubs including the Village Underground, Stand Up New York, West Side Comedy Club, Broadway Comedy Club, Dangerfield’s and more.
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Tickets For Upcoming Shows
- Sun | January 26th - 7:00PM | Stamford
- Very Good Comedy ft: Aric Grooms, John Bennett, Robert Punchur, Janice Messitte, Craig Lottner, Alex Kollar
- "Very Good Comedy Show" is a comedy show that is very good! The troupe was founded in 2017 and regularly tours the Northeast. We're excited for this first pop-up at New York Comedy Club Stamford with some of our best NYC regulars and Connecticut natives. It's sure to be a very good time!Follow "Very Good Comedy Show" on Facebook and Instagram!Lineup:Janice MessitteeRobert PunchurJohn BennettCraig LottnerAric GroomsAlex KollarDanette Rodriguez